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The firm often deals with complex international issues.

Under the aegis of its founder, Ridha NEFFATI, it has succeeded in establishing itself with passion as a firm recognized by the various market players for advising its customers on their most strategic and complex cases in various economic activities.

With over 20 years' experience in international business relations, linhold and its founder have positioned the firm as a strategic partner for private investors and international companies looking to trade or invest in Europe, Africa, Tunisia and the Gulf States (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, etc.).
The firm has an international network of correspondent lawyers and partners, enabling it to accompany its clients abroad and assist them with their partnerships or investment projects.


Rappel : le mandat est librement révocable à tout moment et sans motif

Published on : 19/10/2023 19 October Oct 10 2023 15h45 15 45
Droit commercial / Droit de la concurrence
Rappel : le mandat est librement révocable à tout moment et sans motif
L’article 2004 du Code civil énonce que : « Le mandant peut révoquer sa procuration quand bon lui semble et contraindre, s'il y a lieu, le mandatai...
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